Workforce Wellbeing Articles
Karen Warren’s book, Workforce Wellbeing – how to build organisational strength and resilience is a guide for Employers and Line Managers, to help them to develop and maintain an effective workforce wellbeing culture. By managing conversations effectively to recognise people’s hard work and achievements, and support areas for development, you can lead your teams assertively and confidently to build the strength and resilience of your team and organisation.
The following articles are based on excerpts from the book.
- Developing a culture of wellbeing
- Maintaining a culture of wellbeing
- Facilitating a conversation
- The right environment for effective listening
- Managing escalating behaviours
- Influencing change
You can get in touch if you’d like further guidance on developing an effective culture of workforce wellbeing or connect with Karen Warren on Linked In to see regular updates on managing and leading teams, tackling the difficult conversations and keeping yourself and your team well.
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